Whether the right to bodily integrity calls for a permission to allow petitioner (a victim of rape) to terminate her pregnancy at 32 weeks of Gestation?
The petitioner aged 19 years, having mild to moderate mental retardation, and an unfortunate mother has approached HP High Court for seeking a direction to the Medical Superintendent, Kamla Nehru Hospital for Mother and Child, Shimla to arrange for abortion of a foetus in her womb on the grounds interalia that it is risky for her to complete the normal period of pregnancy and deliver child on the due date. [Para 1]
The writ petition though is disposed of with the above directions, however, there shall be a direction to respondent No.5, the Medical Superintendent, Kamla Nehru Hospital for Mother and Child, Shimla to swear in an affidavit indicating therein the outcome of the surgical intervention to be conducted pursuant to this judgment on 7th November, 2017 at 4.15 P.M., for which the matter shall be listed in the Chambers of one of us (Justice Vivek Singh Thakur, J.)
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