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Right to VRS: Medicolegal Issues

Right to VRS: Medicolegal Issues

By: Prof.(Dr.) Mukesh Yadav Published Date: 03-12-2017 DOI : 2911201712345 Issue Date: 29-11-2017

An efficient and committed administration working closely with dedicated staff can make public hospitals excellent centres of health care. Those with talent and dedication will stay while those interested in making more money will leave at the cost of job satisfaction.

Furthermore, the doctors ought to be given an opportunity to participate in the CMEs [Continuing Medical Education], conferences and seminars to exchange the latest views/ opinions/ knowledge and advancement in the Medical field. In order to facilitate these mechanism as well as boost the morale of the doctors to exchange their views/ opinion/ knowledge including advancement in the Medical field, the authorities of the State can make a policy like such doctors, who attends CMEs/ Seminars/ Conferences by submitting papers, would be awarded points, which may be considered at the time of his/her promotion and preference would be given to such doctors in promotion.

Division Bench hoped that government would make changes as discussed and suggested in this case to improve the efficiency of public health system in State of U.P.

Executive Summary

Important questions raised and discussed by Hon’ble Allahabad High Court in a recent judgment dated: 29th Nov 2017:

  • How the working of the government hospitals can be improved for the betterment of the general public?
  • Why doctors are opting for voluntary retirement every day?
  • Who can manage day to day administration of hospitals?
  • Issue of posting of clinicians/Specialist on Administrative Posts:
  • Issue of wastage of human resources
  • How efficiency of public hospitals can be improved?


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