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Re-Constitution & Composition of Democratically Elected Autonomous MCI

Re-Constitution & Composition of Democratically Elected Autonomous MCI

By: Prof.(Dr.) Mukesh Yadav Published Date: 12-11-2017 DOI : 1211201712345 Issue Date: 12-11-2017

The Indian Medical Council Rules, 1957, Published in Part II- Section 3 of the Gazette Of India, No.F.5-2/57-MI.Government of India Ministry of Health, New Delhi, Dated: the 16th April, 1957. The Central Government had made these rules, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 4 and 32 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956).

Subsequently in the year 1980 and 1992 certain Amendments have been done to smooth conduct of elections and clarification of certain provisions related to constitution and composition of Medical Council of India. Amendments in 1980 were especially done to clarify the election of one member from the University having medical faculty.

Role of Central Government

Appointment of returning Officer for election of President of MCI

Indian Medical Register

Need for Code of Conduct

Role of Members of the Senate of the University / Members of the Court /Vice-Chancellor of the University

Types of Universities

Need for redrafting and Amendment in the Rules for Election

Why there was need for elected members from State Medical Council?

What was the purpose of Nominated members in consultation with State Govt.?

What was the purpose of Nominated members in consultation with State Govt.?

Fairness of elections and transparency in holding elections:



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