Issue of Human Touch and Attitude: Medical Negligence?
Km Anju, the daughter of the complainant was under the treatment of the OP/respondent hospital for the purpose of dialysis since 22.06.2005. Things went smooth till 23.12.2006. On that day while undergoing dialysis the patient and the complainant noticed that the dilator used for the purpose was not washed with water properly and was in bad shape and accordingly reported to the technician doing the dialysis, but no heed was paid to their appeal. The technician continued the process. Fall out of that was that the patient started feeling breathlessness resulting in state of faint and coma. Her condition in the ICU where she was taken consequent upon her deterioration did not improve. She was in ICU for 47 days from 23.12.2006 till her end on 08.02.2007.
The patient was 24 yrs old female child. Her end was owing to the negligence of the OP/respondent hospital. She had before her entire life and career. Further the complainant and his family were subjected to mental agony due to the departure of the patient. These factors would clearly show that the compensation awarded by DCDRC is too meagre for the suffering caused to the complainant. [Para 9]
Disposing the Appeal Delhi SCDRC enhanced the compensation form Rs.One Lakh to Rs.10 Lakh and observed that this may serve the purpose of bringing about a qualitative change in the attitude of the hospitals for providing service to the human beings as human beings. Human touch is necessary; that is their code of conduct; that is their duty and that is what is required to be implemented. [Para 14]
The attitude of the technicians, doctors and other staff of the OP hospital was quite rude and unprofessional.
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